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Mental Health

In-person services are available by appointment in Claremont, California. We offer remote consultations for our patients globally.

eating disorder

Eating Disorder Treatment

  • Eating Disorders can have a significant impact on an individual's physical and mental health. Dr. Golie is a certified Eating Disorder dietitian who provides personalized and effective treatment for individuals struggling with eating disorders. Her approach is centered around a non-diet and intuitive eating philosophy, and she works closely with each client to help them understand the root of their disordered eating and develop a healthy relationship with food.

    The Eating Disorder treatment service includes an initial consultation, where Dr. Golie will assess your current eating habits and develop a personalized treatment plan. This may include regular follow-up sessions, nutritional education, and the use of effective nutrition software to track progress.

    Whether you are struggling with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-Eating Disorder, or another eating disorder, Dr. Golie is here to help. She provides a safe and supportive environment where you can begin to heal and reclaim your health. With her expert knowledge and compassionate approach, you can start your journey towards a brighter tomorrow, today.

    Dr Golie also gets in regular and close contact with the rest of the treatment team. She makes sure to check in regularly with your therapist to direct your treatment the best way possible. She strongly believes in continuous communication with everyone involved in your recovery.

Grocery Store Visit Service in Claremont California

Grocery Store Visits

  • The Grocery Store Visit service offered by Dr. Golie provides clients with the opportunity to shop for variety of meals and snacks and ingredients with the guidance of a registered dietitian. During the visit, Dr. Golie will accompany clients to the grocery store and provide education and support on how to make food choices based on their recovery path and make the grocery shopping a less anxiety-provoking experience. She may also provide recommendations for recipes for snacks and meals, and help clients create a grocery list based on their specific dietary needs and preferences.

    This service can be especially beneficial for individuals who are struggling with disordered eating behaviors or eating disorders, as well as those who are looking to improve their overall nutrition and make healthier food choices based on their chronic condition. The Grocery Store Visit can be tailored to meet the needs of each individual client and can take place in-person or remotely, depending on their preference and availability.

    Dr Golie also offer food preparation sessions. You can make a virtual appointment during which, you will be taking the time to prepare your foods and snack for the week with her guidance and have a much smoother journey with eating throughout your stressful and busy week. She can suggest simple recipes that fits your lifestyle best. These sessions are fun and exploratory. Dr Golie believes that part of building a healthy relationship with food start with touching and smelling the ingredients.

Meal Planning Service in Claremont California

Meal Planning

  • The Meal Planning service offered by Dr. Golie is a comprehensive and personalized approach to nutrition that is designed to help clients achieve their health and wellness goals. During this service, Dr. Golie will work with clients to create a customized meal plan that takes into account their unique dietary needs, food preferences, and lifestyle.

    This service may include a detailed analysis of the client's current eating habits and dietary intake, as well as recommendations for nutritious and delicious meals and snacks. Dr. Golie may also provide guidance on portion sizes if appropriate, meal timing, and other important aspects of a intuitive and mindful eating.

    The Meal Planning service is ideal for individuals who are looking to improve their overall nutrition, manage a chronic health condition, or recover from an eating disorder. With Dr. Golie’s guidance and support, clients can gain the knowledge and confidence they need to make appropriate food choices and achieve their physical and mental health goals.

Chronic Diseases

  • Being a college professor for over a decade and teaching medical nutrition therapy to undergraduate and graduate students including registered dietitians, Dr Golie is very familiar with evidenced-based medical nutrition therapy for treatment of chronic diseases. Nutrition therapy for chronic diseases requires the knowledge and expertise to create the best nutrition plan for each individual. Dr Golie has been treating chronic diseases such as fatty liver, fatty pancreas, thyroid related nutrition complications, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease for over a decade, incorporating practical and mindful eating approaches and recommendations to a diverse group of clients. She provides a personalized care that will not leave you feeling puzzled and confused about taking the next step. She will go over your entire medical history (physical and mental health) and create the most customized care for you.

Body Positivity and Weight Neutral in Claremont California

Body Positivity & Weight Neutrality

  • The Body Positive and Weight-Neutral based treatment services offered by Dr. Golie is designed to help clients develop a healthier relationship with their bodies and food. This service is based on the principles of body positivity and weight-neutrality, which focus on promoting health and well-being regardless of body size or shape.

    Dr. Golie will work with clients to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about their bodies and food, and to cultivate a more positive and accepting mindset. She may also provide guidance on how to adopt a weight-neutral approach to nutrition, focusing on health-promoting behaviors rather than weight loss or body shape changes that is continuously promoted by the diet culture.

    In addition to promoting body positivity and weight-neutrality mindset with clients, she also incorporates education on healthy eating habits, mindfulness techniques, and stress management strategies to help clients develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. You will be able to practice grounding techniques such as tapping and breathing in her comfortable office space with her guidance and knowledge.

    This service is ideal for individuals who have struggled with disordered eating behaviors, body image concerns, or weight stigma. With Dr. Golie's support and guidance, clients can develop a more positive and accepting relationship with their bodies and finally achieve food freedom and a more joyful life

Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition

  • The Sport Nutrition Planning service offered by Dr. Golie is designed to help athletes and active individuals optimize their nutrition for improved performance and recovery. This service takes into account the unique nutritional needs of athletes, including the increased energy requirements, nutrient demands, and recovery needs associated with regular physical activity.

    During this service, Dr. Golie will assess the client's dietary intake, physical activity levels, and performance goals to create a personalized nutrition plan that supports their sport and performance goals. This may include recommendations for specific nutrient-dense foods, hydration strategies, and pre- and post-workout fueling to support energy levels and recovery.

    In addition to helping athletes optimize their nutrition for improved performance, this service may also address any related health concerns, such as disordered eating behaviors or nutrient deficiencies, and provide education on safe and effective supplementation, if appropriate.

    Whether you are a professional athlete or simply looking to improve your performance in your favorite sport, the Sport Nutrition Planning service offered by Dr. Golie can help you reach your goals and achieve optimal health and well-being.

Family/Partner/Freind Support Sessions

  • The Family/Partner/Friend Support Sessions offered by Dr. Golie are designed to provide support and guidance to loved ones of individuals struggling with eating disorders or disordered eating behaviors. This service recognizes that eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors often impact not only the individual but also those around them, and provides a supportive and inclusive environment for families and friends to discuss their experiences and learn how to best support their loved one.

    During these sessions, Dr. Golie will work with families and friends to educate them on the nature of eating disorders, the impact on the individual and those around them, and provide guidance on how to offer support in a healthy and effective manner. She may also address common challenges that families and friends may face when supporting a loved one, such as navigating conflicting opinions or providing emotional support, and provide practical tools and strategies to help them in their journey.

    In addition to providing support and guidance to families and friends, these sessions may also help to promote a more positive and supportive environment for the individual struggling with an eating disorder, and can be an important component of the recovery process.

    Whether you are a family member, partner, or friend of someone struggling with an eating disorder, the Family/Partner/Friend Support Sessions offered by Dr. Golie can provide you with the support, guidance, and tools you need to help your loved one through their journey to recovery.

Messaging in Between Sessions

  • Dr Golie highly values communication. She believes that the actual recovery and healing happen in between sessions. Therefore, she makes it very easy for her clients to reach out to her in between sessions. This can happen via texting or a 15 min phone call and the best part is that all this extra services is available to you at no extra charge. Dr Golie recommends clients to send her regular text in order to strengthen trust and increase accountability to recovery.

    Clients have given great feedback about this service and many of them believe that this service allowed them to actually track their own recovery with the guidance of an expert in their life. You will always have someone to text when struggling or just wanting to share your success stories with an individual other than your family or friends.

Intuitive Eating Program

  • The Intuitive Eating approaches and practices offered by Dr. Golie is designed to help individuals develop a healthy and positive relationship with food and their bodies. This approach is based on the principles of Intuitive Eating, a non-diet and weight-neutral approach to nutrition that emphasizes listening to your body's natural hunger and fullness cues, and rejecting the strict rules and restrictions that often accompany traditional dieting approaches.

    Dr. Golie will work with clients to help them identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs they may have about food and their bodies, and provide education and support to help them adopt a more intuitive and body-positive approach to nutrition. She may also provide guidance on how to make peace with food, overcome feelings of guilt and shame around eating, and develop a more balanced and healthy relationship with food.

    The Intuitive Eating Program is suitable for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and can be adapted to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. Whether you are struggling with disordered eating behaviors, or simply seeking to improve your relationship with food and your body, Dr. Golie’s Intuitive Eating treatment approach can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make positive changes and achieve optimal mental and physical health and well-being.

Dr. Golie is amazing! She helped me overcome my eating disorder and worked with me to create a nutrition plan that fits my busy schedule. She is so knowledgeable and compassionate, and she truly cares about my well-being. I feel so much better since I started working with her and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for help with their relationship with food.

— OLIVIA R., Dr. Golie’s Patient

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